Well, our stint in Cincinnati has officially come to an end. We now call Chattanooga our home again. I completed my internship last Wednesday and my M.Ed. from Xavier University will be confirmed on Aug. 18. Eleven months of classwork and studying was well spent, and I am really happy I did this!
Stacy and I had quite a weekend. Stacy drove back up to Cincinnati with David Cope on Thursday. The three of us drove back down on Friday with all our belongings. Big thanks to one of my Xavier friends, Jay, for assisting in our move!
I cannot tell you enough how great it is to know that I have made some close friends in Ohio. They're my Xavier crew - Forever Musketeers!
We hit some rain in Kentucky and an hour traffic jam just over the Tennessee line, but despite these hurdles made it to our house closing only 15 minutes late!
The closing went smoothly once we got there, and we are now officially homeowners! It is a tremendous feeling and we are so happy. We spent the remainder of the weekend moving in and unpacking. There is still so much to unpack and put away. Special thanks to the Oglesby (in-laws) clan, the Copes and the Merciers (sister-in-law/brother-in-law) for assisting in the heat!
We have a lot on our to-do list, and it will all come in time.
Thanks to everybody for their good wishes as we made this move and your continued support during the past year. Knowing you were thinking of us and keeping in touch means a lot. We are happy to be home and will miss the friends and good times we had in Cincinnati.