Monday, January 08, 2001


Stacy and I are doing great here in Cincinnati despite the recent cold spell we had. We experienced 16 days below 32 degrees. It was usually 10-20 degrees with unheard of wind chills.

I am pleased to say we are thawed out now and our temperatures are back around 35-40. It was 49 yesterday!

Stacy and I drove around Cincinnati looking at the old mansions and castles on the area's various hills this past weekend. It is hard to believe single families live in some of those houses.
We also visited many of Cincinnati's parks. The park system is very big here. It is like someone took NYC's Central Park, broke it up and spread it all over Cincinnati. The park board does a great job here and there are many great places to enjoy the scenery. Several parks overlook downtown.

I start my second semester of graduate school next Tuesday, January 16. I received my fall semester grades after Christmas and got all A's.

This semester is going to be a hoot with Research and Statistics, Marketing and Management. I do not have much of a problem with the last two, but I have to write a thesis in Research and Statistics and present it at the end of the semester on PowerPoint. It should be fun as the department head teaches the class!

Stacy had her first University of Cincinnati Foundation advertisement placed in Ohio Magazine's first issue of the year. The ad encourages planned giving with UC. It is a great ad and it is great to see it in the state magazine!

On the sports front, baseball's Opening Day is right around the corner, April 2! It is a holiday here and best of all, the Cincinnati Reds opening day game will be a one-game set with the Atlanta Braves at 1:05pm!

I am also enjoying some successful runs right now by my favorite basketball teams. The Chattanooga Lady Mocs are 10-3, the Mocs are 7-5 and the Xavier Musketeers are 11-2 and sneaking toward the Top 25. The Muskies face UMass on Tuesday, and I am going to the game.
Well, I hope you had a good holiday season and are enjoying a great new year. We had a good time enjoying family and friends and came back to Cincinnati with a carload of gifts. We are very thankful.

Also, for all of those who recognized I forgot to say Happy Festivus in my last e-mail, I want to apologize and let you know that I am taking therapy and watching Seinfeld at least once a day!

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