Wednesday, June 09, 2010

The Generosity of Lucy and Rigby

This is one of many portraits of my 6- and 4-year-old kids.

After Lucy's swim lessons at the Sports Barn, we had a fun dinner at Taco Mac, quoting the latest Shrek movie and watching ESPN Sports Center.

The kids did not eat all the chicken tenders and fries that they ordered and wanted to get a to-go box so they could finish their food at home.

As we walked a downtown sidewalk after leaving the restaurant, a man less fortunate than us approached and asked me for money. I never carry cash and I told him so. He told me he was hungry. Without hardly a hesitation, my children gave their to-go box to the man.

He was thankful and a little shocked. I was thankful for the children God has given us. The man thanked us and walked to the nearest bench.

As I looked back over my shoulder at the man enjoying my kids' dinner, Lucy told Rigby, "He was hungry. Sometimes people don't have money to get food."

Rigby replied, "We are lucky."

What a lesson.


Becky Logan said...

Wow-that leaves me speechless. Shows good parenting, that's for sure. Great kids you've got!

Unknown said...

Awesome. A testament to a set of wonderful parents and equally wonderful kids.